Exploring the Social Imagination

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Globalism and the One World Order in the Western Social Imagination...

What a hot topic today, globalism and world order. Now, that is a hot topic in western countries with largely free market economies and democracy under the socio-historical influence of Judeo-Christ thought. Yes, it does stem from that kind of background whether you think so or not, agree or not.

It is the presentation of the individual in society in western civilization that is unique to the Judeo-Christ 'social imagination' mentality. Such mentality was a virtuous application by people for people. It was an active mental exercise rather than an ideology. But, not anymore. Now, it is turned upside to benefit a few and they know what moved it - virtue of the individual, the little man in the place where he/she finds themselves. Now, the elite have taken that and they virtue signal to get what they want which is more power and sustained power positions.

Virtue in the hands of the individual was for some time a common practice; but as some say, perhaps it had its time in the sun since it was a loosely practiced from the bottom up social exercise: found in townships, counties, small towns and even in small cities all composing the larger body of the state and so on.

Today, that once common practice has been declared an ideology and the only way to make it real and fair for everyone is to make every individual the same from the top down. That begins with the destruction of the individual or in the very least deliberately retards him/her in the place where they are. It makes all those in local places feel helpless, inadequate, unable to do anything for themselves keeping them just plain ignorant. It is the agenda of the ruling elite at the top and ironically they are the most ignorant. They are ignorant of the fact that people in the place where they are already know what to do for themselves, how to get along and just basically how to live their life in the place where they are - at home in their community, township, county, town/city and state. And to add - country!

One might ask, how could such thinking by the elites become such a problem in the west where the individual was vitally important? That's a good question. How does any corrupt information get in. Through pockets/packets, through venues, through holes in the very fabric that was thought to hold things together. And, because it comes from the top down the elites rather than from those at the bottom, one can only point to institutions of higher learning as they are controlled by the elite and now worldwide.

The long term agenda is to make everyone the same world wide. To make them think that they are important, elites are capitalizing on the Judeo-Christian thought with the intention to imprison it for their purposes. Yes, those at the top in universities, in government and corporate entities are the real villains. All such persons, want power and position and they want it for them and to last forever as they move into transhuman form.

How can they but better to say - how do they pull it off? They have tapped the very essence of western social imagination - the individual. They see themselves as the deserving group of individuals. And, thus, they cannot allow others the same freedom. Their agenda comes with virtuous wrappings and slogans. It makes people wary of others who don't want it. Those who don't accept the package will be persecuted... and it seems to be starting already.

Out of the social imagination that lifted up the individual will come the demise of it, the hatred of the one in favor of the many which can be controlled a the few.

Dare to take your head out of the sand????

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