Exploring the Social Imagination

Monday, March 31, 2014

The Greater Imagination is God's!

The Greater Imagination is God's! We exist, because He exists! Because, we are His creation, there is no way for us to realize His beginning. We are essentially, a part of His greatness... how could a person inside something (any kind of object or environment) so great in detail and immense space be able to understand, let alone comprehend anything outside of that. What would be purpose in that be? You may respond - to know. Yet, being part of His imagination, we already know.If we suppose that, we could conclude then there would be no desire to know the creator. What or who creates this desire in us to further pursue what we already know. God creates this desire in us because He wants to have a relationship with us; this desire to pursue what we already know allows for / provides a means for a relationship with the Creator and our Savior Lord Jesus Christ.

Imagine that we are a computer program. Being an intelligent creation, we would desire to know the creator, to be nearer to that or whom created us. It would become a pursuit, an unguided program self willed and in saying that God inspired as He gave free will.

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